Conn to determine the age of your instrument. Search for the serial number of the brand United Musical Instruments U.S.A., Inc. With up to 840,000 serial numbers for each of the four prefixes (or 3.36 million in total) there may be new prefixes observed for the second batch of Singapore Bicentennial notes. Production series (Cyrillic) code dropped to one letter. Many were re-arsenaled and are in excellent condition. It has a wooden butt, fore end and top handguard. Service number prefix and suffix codes were one and two letter designators written before or after a service number a service member could only have one code at any given time. The purpose of these codes was to provide additional information regarding a military service member with the very first prefix codes created by the Army in 1920 and greatly expanded over the next thirty years.
Language: Adams Musical Instruments - Experience the Sound of Quality Serial Number Database Search This database contains the Swiss Schmidt-Rubin straight pull rifles with the corresponding manufacturing years.